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Royal Bounty HD Download For Pc [Torrent]


Updated: Mar 19, 2020

About This Game Royal Bounty HD was crafted for the lovers of old adventure RPGs like King’s Bounty (1990). You are an adventurer named Jim, just out of the island prison. How you ended up like this is unknown. You have no gold and no army. Angry Cell Guard is chasing your heels. What a difficult situation! Your first quest is get away from the maze and find a ship. But it is just a beginning of the story. Your road lies across four huge continents, inhabited by a variety of monsters. You are going to visit a desert, frozen lands, go through woods and towns, and in the finale meet your old friend, The Master. En route you’ll have to earn money and gather an army to face him fully equipped. Nevertheless, you will still need a helping hand from Dragons. top-class pixel arttrue hardcore gameplay like back in the 90’s180 creature types in your armylong plot featuring several endingstons of questswell polished user interfaceWindows, Mac OSX, Android, and iOS versions are available at the moment.iOS: check out this excellent, extensive Let's Play review of the game! 6d5b4406ea Title: Royal Bounty HDGenre: Adventure, Indie, RPG, StrategyDeveloper:iosoftwarePublisher:Hack The PublisherRelease Date: 10 Aug, 2015 Royal Bounty HD Download For Pc [Torrent] I am a huge srpg fan. Great or terrible, I'll give a game a fair spin. That being said, I don't understand what was going through the developer's mind when they created this game.Royal Bounty honestly feels like a Heros of Might and Magic 2 senario that we've been duped into paying 5 bucks for. This game uses the same or extremely similar engine and you control one hero. While this engine marginally works for an explorative rpg, it was really designed to be resource management and tile strategy. This becomes apparent as the leveling up of your hero does practically nil. On top of that, the units do not level up. So fighting in a way only atrophies your army. Unless you are playing perfect (not just great) even minor losses will stack up. The Ai is ok but nothing incredible. The fights are won or lost right off the bat. It's practically all about who has the bigger army. I suppose you could carry rogues with you the entire game and just scout what the fights are before hand. Fun. Alternatively, you can just mindlessly wonder your hero around for days, months, years just letting him passively collect income. You will earn approximately one unit a turn\/day. Then your army will be able to storm through a couple fights before getting chiseled down and needing to repeat the cycle. I say this because the fights carelessly and randomly alternate between maybe half a dozen peons to literally hundreds of enemies comparable to your few elite soldiers. The still screen artwork is actually really nice, as is the card artwork. The first introductory jailbreak scenario works. It is only maybe 15 minutes and one fight long, but this is the format the rest of the game should have followed by railroading the player and providing armies rather than making you brute force the system. I don't know if the story progresses into something memorable as I only have five hours of game time logged. It's pretty forgettable as of yet. Another huge test of your patience is the movement of your hero. He will stop REPEATEDLY. You will click for him to move and this will queue up movement footprints. Then you need to order him to move again by clicking again or pressing space. The problem with this movement check is the hero will stop again midmovement for day changes or text pop-ups. Sometimes he will stop for no reason at all. When you click again for him to move there is a long pause and you will not know if the computer is processing the move or if you will be waiting for eternity for the character to move. Repeat this process one million times.So only go for this game if you want a really campy walk through a Heros 2 scenario.Edit:I put a great deal more time into this game since my initial review. I don't know that the game works perfectly as an open campain, but the developers have been putting big things in the works. After some grinding I was able to get a pretty serious playthrough of this game, albeit hammering a pretty serious exploit. It still stands that I love the artwork. The controls are a pinch clunky. I hope they chisel an inventive game out of this old style engine.. Heroes of Might & Magic (HoMM) is my favorite game series of all time. Playing Royal Bounty HD (RB) brought back fond memories of HoMM 1. The art design, the map, the hero, even the ambient sounds made me think of playing HoMM back in 1994. This is not to say, though, that RB is a HoMM clone. It most definitely is not. It has its own game style with its own unique set of rules. A key difference is that there is no castle with buildings to construct and the associated troops to hire. RB is first and foremost an exploration game. You travel over a single, huge map uncovering troops to assist you in your endeavors and enemies with which to battle. Teleporters are scattered over the landscape that catapult you and your army to far-flung regions of the map, somewhat in a puzzle fashion. I purchased this game last September and played it exclusively until it was done. I played approximately 30 hours, with a portion of that time associated with restarts as I got used to the game\u2019s idiosyncrasies. Some things I wish were better explained:\u2022\tTo zoom the map in\/out, hold CTRL and rotate the middle mouse wheel.\u2022\tTo center the camera on the hero, click the horse icon on the bottom right side of the screen. \u2022\tSome quests can be accomplished without fighting.\u2022\tTroops can be \u201cstored\u201d in towers.\u2022\tThe hero only has eight (8) skill slots. Valuable skills include Estates, Archery, and Earth Magic.\u2022\tGhosts are powerful. Each kill increases their number. Protect them and watch as they grow into a powerful army.All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed Royal Bounty. If you are an older gamer and remember New World Computing\u2019s masterpiece, Heroes of Might and Magic, or for that matter any gamer that enjoys fantasy turn-based strategy, I would suggest that you give Royal Bounty HD a shot. For me it was a couple of dollars well spent.. If you played the originaly King's Bounty long ago like I did then this game should have a thumbs up and it is for you. I enjoyed it more for the memories than anything else:)For everyone else it is a thumbs down. It is too rough around the edges and has some bugs\/issues and is too primitive to recommend to someone who never played the original game.. No skirmish mode, no random maps, nothing more than a "memorize the correct steps" bare-bones campaign mode. It's not even worth it on sale, as I found out to my chagrin.. This game is essentially a reverse engineered Heroes 2 with something taken from Heroes 3 too (namely spell elements), in a King's Bounty style adventure.It is a blatant rip-off. Everything from artifacts and treasure chests to hero skills and spells are copy-pasted or as I said, reverse engineered from Heroes 2 and 3.It starts off nice though, and it has a heroes-like atmosphere that I liked. Later the game goes to total troll mode; You basically cannot fight without ghosts, as the monsters on the adventure map will be around 10000 tier 7 units, like Titans or Dragons and such.I did finish the game, as it is not very long.I absolutely loved the adventure map graphics, they are well drawn. Too bad rest of the game is basically stolen.I want a new heroes game as much as the next guy, but seriously.. I don't know why or how they can sell this on steam, I think there should be lawsuits and such due to the fact it is so carbon copied from the early heroes games.. It's a bit rough around the edges, but I'm loving it so far. If you ever played the old King's Bounty game that shipped with the first Heroes of Might and Magic, and wished a second King's Bounty came out with HoMM 2's graphic style, then this is what you'd been waiting for.Pros:-Gorgeous retro graphics and animations-Turn based strategy battles that harken back to KB\/HoMM games-Huge variety of fantasy creatures to recruit and fight-Levelling system isn't complicated whilst still giving you enough control over your knight's growthCons:-In the English version atleast, a lot of the quests and tips are poorly written. It doesn't interfere with the gameplay but it does detract from any immersion.-Sometimes lacks intuitive controls and tooltips, like using the space bar to skip a turn or hovering over a button to see what it does.. While the game might be worth 5$ devs asking for it, its probably not worth your time.It's not a bad game, just mediocre.Pros:- King Bounty style graphic and gameplay. Cons:- constant stuttering on autoturn probably due to engine and interface made for both mobile and PC platform- right-click is almost never used to see information about units,spells, abilities, you had to use double-click instead- no information on predited attack result on mouse-over the enemy unit- no information on comparative strength of enemy group you encounter on worldmap- story feels like copypasted from some random generator or written by 13-y.o.- some loose ends in scripts at the beggining when you escape prison if you manage to kill the guard game fails to recognize it\tMy subjective feeling is that overall i the devs dont really love this game for some reason and dont want to spend the time improving it.. I run a Heroes of Might & Magic fan game site that has a long ever growing list of games similar to HoMM. Palm Kingdoms and Royal Bounty HD had sat in my list for a long time but I just hadn't got around to playing them. However when I recently found out that iosoftware had released Palm Kingdoms 1 & 2 for free I couldn't resist trying them out. I was so blown away and had so much fun with them that I went and bought their Royal Bounty HD here (not knowing whether it was good or bad) out of gratitude for the joy their Palm Kingdoms games had given me. Thankfully I was not disappointed!Like the Palm Kingdoms games Royal Bounty HD has a very HoMM2 look and feel to it. The races are setup very similarly (eg 6 primary races = Knight, Warlock, Sorceress, Wizard, Necromancer, Barbarian and a 7th bonus Viking race unique to the PK\/RBHD universe). While you could control these races in Palm Kingdoms the whole castle management system is dropped in Royal Bounty HD for a more classic King's Bounty style RPG adventure. So people looking for a more HoMM strategic castle conquering game should try Palm Kingdoms 2 instead and also keep an eye out for the up and coming Palm Kingdoms 3. Those who are looking for a short fun retro adventure set in a very HoMM\/King's Bounty style game world then Royal Bounty HD is definitely worth a try. Despite being an OCD player who has to find & do EVERYTHING I was able to polish the game off in about 2 days (roughly 14hrs of gameplay).Royal Bounty HD also has significantly upgraded graphics from its Palm Kingdoms predecessors, everything appears about 4 times bigger and detailed, from the looks of things these new graphics will be used for the up and coming Palm Kingdoms 3 which I'm very excited about! RBHD also adds HoMM5 style alternate upgrades to nearly all units in the game (eg a Paladin can become a Templar style Crusader or a golden Holy Warrior ) adding a very fun extra layer of depth and unit management (you need to complete chapter 1 to gain access to the upgrades). Once again it looks like these upgrades will be in PK3 as well so I'm very excited about playing a strategic castle conquest game with HoMM2 style units that have HoMM5 style alternate upgrades.By Chapter 3 things may start to feel a bit repetitive and grinding however iosoftware came up with some interesting ways to keep things interesting as Chapter 4 is filled with hire-able Ghosts and all the best units in the game trying to stop you (Phoenixes, Black dragons, Thors (Titans), Cyclops's etc) while in chapter 5 your hero is separated from his army has to explore a huge Arabian style city on his own trying to get help from the locals in the build up to the big final boss fight. So if you feel yourself getting annoyed and bored by chapter 3, fear not, I was able to wrap up 4 & 5 in a couple of hours as it's a pretty short game. If you get stuck or wanna speed things up just use iosoftware's official walkthrough here on steam.I'm a bit disappointed when reading some of the negative feedback here as I think some people are forgetting that they only paid a few dollars (basically 1 measly drink in a bar) for a game that took years upon years to create that has the races, units, artefacts and adventure map buildings of an entire HoMM game. Paying a measly couple of bucks for an obvious indie\/retro\/short game and then trashing it for not being a big AAA game is kinda idiotic. A few people are also complaining that the game is too hard and the lack of manual & tutorial options makes is unfriendly to people who've never played KB\/HoMM. I can understand that and at the very least there probably should have been a nice shortcuts\/help screen (accessible via the main menu) implemented that tells players all the keys (eg Ctrl + & - to zoom) and some of the core basics (eg what all the days, hero stats, map objects & movement mechanics are etc). Palm Kingdoms had a tutorial but I'm guessing that was dropped from Royal Bounty HD to not spoil the game start story elements. Personally I simply recommend that you watch a youtube video as that can show you in about 5 minutes how to play the game. I've made a few below that show just how easy it is to complete the first chapter even without visiting lots of the cool stuff in the forests away from the roads. After watching it you'll probably find the game too easy and will need to up the difficulty level haha. :PMy only real complaint is that steam achievements aren't working at the moment however fortunately I don't really care about that stuff much lol! Some people do so I thought I'd better mention it. I'll remove this complaint when fixed. :)Royal Bounty HD - Part 1 Video: Introduction, Prison Break, & Chapter 1 Forestria Beginning.https:\/\/\/5tiAdG6J5soRoyal Bounty HD - Part 2 Video: Chapter 1 Forestria Continued.https:\/\/\/5asf7Fol7WsRoyal Bounty HD - Part 3 Video: Chapter 1 Forestria Final Stages, Cool Unit Upgrades, Chapter 2 The Lost Scroll Teaser, & Peasant Upgrade MEGA Money Making Trick.https:\/\/\/5tI0M_bl_z0. Never in my HoMM carier have I commanded an army of 400.000 ghosts... 8\/10.. TL;DR This is essentially a broken Heroes of Might and Magic II campaign, which starts out OK and goes terribly wrong and broken.It could've been decent, and to be honest I did have a bit of fun playing it early on, but Royal Bounty has a few MAJOR flaws.Monsters get exponentially stronger over time. Have fun taking out those 1,118,520 elementals with your 5,000 troops.It is way unbalanced. On my first try I got a gold mine and ran around to stock up on money. Couldn't buy anything and, again, enemies got WAY ahead of me. Second try, I went for citizens units which give gold. Now I had way too much money, but still couldn't keep up with how strong enemies were getting. This is all on "Easy" mind you. Then I went with only ghosts, which convert all enemies killed into new ghosts... and suddenly I could auto-battle through every fight and get exponentially stronger myself. It's either unbeatable or incredibly easy\/boring.Finally, I could never for the life of me beat the final boss. They give you a fixed number of units to fight with, but take away all your stats which you worked hard to get. Your spells hit like wet noodles and you're basically useless.I got it for like a dollar and got "more than my money's worth" in playtime, but what good is that if the end-game just \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 all over your face...


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