About This Game Graze the enemy’s bullets, Charge them head-on, and Wreak Havoc!!An exhilarating and dangerous shoot-em-up! This is a game for those with courage and survival instinct!It is the 23rd century, and the virtual network “EDEN” has brought about an era of peace and prosperity. One day, it refuses access from the administrator – seemingly out of nowhere.The 2.4 million civilians connected to the network became hostages within cyberspace.EDEN then presented humanity with an ultimatum:To release those hostages, a human must fight the now evolved network and win. Two capable fighter pilots have been chosen for this difficult task.The fate of humanity is in their hands…Graze the enemy’s bullets to charge the Graze Counter Gauge! Every fighter can use this gauge to unleash powerful counters.In addition, by collecting the stars that enemies (and countered bullets) drop, you can charge your Break Gauge. When this is full, you can enter “Break Mode” and do some serious damage to your enemies!Dodge your enemy’s bullets by a hair, charge your energy, and annihilate the enemy with your counterattack!Type-1 [G-01/R April Divider]Pilot: Ginyose UzukiA long-range fighter with low manoeuvrability, but a spread-shot. Type-2[G-02/B Freedom Dancer]Pilot: Furuyama SatsukiA fighter with high movement speed and high attack; she is truly valuable in close-range combat.Type-3[YR-01 Revolgear]Pilot: Katori HayateA special fighter with bits that auto-attack at the same time you graze enemy bullets.Type-4[XK-02 Kirisame Blade]Pilot: Kirisame KirikoA special fighter with blade bits. It is best used in close-range combat.Type-5[SP-01 Shadow Divider]Pilot: ???Unknown special fighter. Constantly on break mode power.Type-6[SP-02 Alternative D]Pilot: ???Unknown special fighter. Constantly on break mode power.Type-7[SP-03 Revolgear 2]Pilot: ???A special fighter with tremendous firepower and an incredible attack range.Type-8[SP-04 Kirisame Blade 2]Pilot: ???A special fighter that requires a lot of skill to pilot. It has the highest firepower and movement speed.5 stages.8 fighters / characters (2 to start and 6 unlockable ones) .3 difficulties: Novice, Arcade, and Expert.A tutorial to learn the game’s basics.A mission mode, where you’ll clear difficult tasks.A timed boss-rush.Support gamepad and key config 7aa9394dea Title: Graze CounterGenre: Action, CasualDeveloper:Bikkuri SoftwarePublisher:Henteko DoujinRelease Date: 28 Jul, 2017 Graze Counter Torrent Download [Patch] Oh yes very much. Gameplay: 10Encourage you to brave the danger with the grazing system. Various setting for beginners and experts alike Graphic: 8the shootemup part looks good, no complaint but the big portrait like those in omake folder looks weird, maybe the shoulders are too wide? the dot pixel portrait like during the boss fight and the full body dot pixel looks great though.Music: 10The soundtrack is a must get!Sound Effect: 7It's ok but nothing amazingNote: the megane heroine is a trap!!!. The ranch popcorn of shoot 'em ups.. Very fun and really fun bullet hell game. There's even extra difficult levels and missions if you're brave enough.. Fabulous bullet hell and perfect for me for 2 reasons:1) I love grazing.2) I am bad at bullet hells.There's 8 characters to unlock and they have varying levels of difficulty so whether you're a veteran or can't 1CC easy there will be a shot type for you that makes the game fun and satisfying.Music is great and there's challenges and boss rush too. Loads of replayability and really addictive!Only downside is there is no quick way to reset if you make a mistake early and no way to skip the continue countdown besides pressing cancel for every second. Get this game! It's a lot of fun.. I'm not a big fan of pixel graphics games (I'd rather play them on old-school emulators) but from a gameplay standpoint this is a decent bullet hell shooter with unique gameplay mechanics. And don't be fooled into thinking "Pacifist Mode" makes the game easy-in fact it does the exact opposite. Like most other bullet hell games it has enough to separate itself from the pack and provide a fine experience overall, but I recommend waiting for a sale as $10 is a little pricey (I got it for $5).Also, if you're using a gamepad/controller be sure to turn off your respective gamepad supports in your Steam profile settings otherwise they won't work.. Fantastic game! Love the visuals and the general feel of it. Top shooter.. Very cool game. Even only having played the two characters their seems to be a good amount of variety between gameplay styles for the characters and ships. Initially the graze mechanic can almost seem too forgiving, but you will definitely need it as things ramp up in arcade difficulty or higher. I've not tried the easy difficulty. Recommend for sure. The dialogue is simple and is pretty much just pre boss fight lines, but its nice to see some little element of a "story" thrown in there without it being a drag, or distraction. Looking forward to unlocking more ships.. Fun game, terrible translation. But who plays SHMUPs for the story?. This is top notch shmup with an awesome grazing/buzzing mechanic. The Swarms of enemies in later levels are SO satisfying. I just wish it was longer :(
Graze Counter Torrent Download [Patch]
Updated: Mar 19, 2020